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BHS News, Events, and Opportunities

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April 29, 2022

We are looking for campus ambassadors across Canada to help promote and support Reya Health, a new and innovative platform designed to provide people with ovaries with better access to the health care that they need. The Campus Ambassador program is a volunteer-led program. However, ambassadors are provided with free access to Reya Health. As changemakers in the world, Reya has created an ideal environment for ambassadors to develop their leadership skills while fostering a meaningful movement, growing a community of people fighting for reproductive rights, all while enacting a positive change in their communities and world as a whole.

After all, that's what the overall mission is: To support and celebrate people of all identities through their reproductive journeys.

Campus Ambassadors will join the Reya Health team to help promote the platform on social media, at in-person events, and/or with peers within various campus organizations. We at Statement Strategies will be working closely with the Reya Health ambassadors, providing them with key resources to help educate people with ovaries with access to better care and more diverse birth control options. 

The ambassador program will include one major event per semester. In addition, we will provide ambassadors with resources and tools to create online content on social media platforms. 

Last quarter, Reya launched the My Body, My Boundaries campaign. The ultimate focus of the campaign was to emphasize how people with ovaries set the boundaries for their own bodies, with Reya Health providing a safe space and neutral stance in the conversation surrounding birth control.


For further questions or inquiries, send us an email at



February 26, 2022

Calling all uOttawa students! The university has an exciting opportunity coming up for students from all faculties to expand their networks and find relevant full-time, part-time, and summer employment as well as volunteer opportunities.

The uOttawa 2022 Career Fair is the university’s largest career fair yet with over 100 employers, taking place virtually on March 3rd from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.  Be sure to register before March 2nd at noon!


We hope to see you there!



Appel à tous les étudiants de l'Université d'Ottawa ! L'université offre aux étudiants de toutes les facultés une occasion d'élargir leurs réseaux et de trouver des emplois à temps plein, à temps partiel et d'été pertinents, ainsi que des possibilités de bénévolat.

Le Salon des carrière uOttawa 2022, le plus grand salon des carrières de l'université à jour avec plus de 100 employeurs, aura lieu virtuellement le 3 mars de 13 h à 17 h. Assurez-vous de vous inscrire avant le 2 mars à midi !

Nous espérons vous y voir !



January 22, 2022

The Princeton Review virtual MMI Information Session is coming up this month for students interested in the interview process for medical schools and we’re hoping to see you there!

We’ll be hosting a FREE 1-hour session on Monday January 24th from 8-9pm EST. A Princeton Review counselor will break down the MMI for you and give volunteers the opportunity to go through some sample questions and engage in mock interviews.

To register for this event in your city, please visit:

Welcome to the BHS e-Bulletin. Here you will be able to hear about our news, club events, volunteering/job opportunities, and much more!

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